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A Full Cup of Just Love Coffee with Patrick Johnson

Why It All Starts with a Vision

The conversation with Patrick Johnson starts with him sharing choices he made based on his family vision story. He looked into the future and saw that his corporate career path was leading him in a direction that didn't follow his life plan. He and his family made a change and a new path was formed. Without having a vision spelled out, they could have traveled far down a career path that in the end wasn't a fit. 

"I've always found vision, in the large scale sense of the word, incredibly intimidating." - Patrick Johnson

Brand Promise

If you visit Just Love Coffee, you will experience their brand promise. They have a specific way they great you when you enter the store, and how they guide your through the experience. The brand promise is what they build the culture to support. They communicate to all employees through training and operational systems how to meet the brand promise with each action they take. 

Patrick explained that having a...

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